That's how I feel when I look at the grace and mercy that's been lavished on me. My cup overflows with it. I can't help but pour it out somewhere. But when I start looking for places to pour out, I'm overwhelmed with my own inadequacy for the task.
That's a good thing, I know. But still. I'm unused to being inadequate for anything. I'm the guy who can do it all. My 4th-grade Sunday School teachers, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Williams, told me that. Every. Single. Sunday. "You can do anything you set your mind to, Jeff." Every Sunday that year, and every time I saw one of them until they were too old to remember who I was.
It's a dangerous thing, to think you can do it all. The need for grace and mercy is all around me, and I'm not used to getting out of the way and letting Jesus — the only One who is adequate — do His thing.
Come, Jesus. Keep constantly before me the reality of my nothingness apart from Your mercy and grace.